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How to Prevent Hair Loss


It doesn't matter if it's long wavy or short straight, when our hair looks and feels fantastic, the same thing happens to us. When most of us naturally lose 150 strands per day, it can spell concern. If you want to protect your locks without the hassle of hair loss treatments, follow our tips on how to prevent hair loss and keep your hair full of life.

Keep your hair strong.

Beautiful hair is strong hair. Avoid breakage with an intensive conditioning mask like Dove Complete Reconstruction Treatment Cream - it will fortify damaged fibers and leave them soft

Be gentle with wet hair.

Our hair is at its most vulnerable when wet, so it is important to take extra care after washing. When towel drying, be gentle - gently press, pat dry, and twist hair instead of scrubbing, which can cause damage that leads to hair loss. Opt for a thick-toothed comb to comb or brush damp hair

Change the style of your hair.

When it comes to full-looking hair, your cut can make a big difference. You should ask your stylist to add layers, which can help make your hair look fuller and longer.

Healthy diet = healthy hair.

Everyone knows that eating right can improve physical health, but do you know that it can help strengthen your hair, too? To give yours the nutrients it needs, eat lots of protein foods like chicken, fish, and dairy.

Protect it from heat and chemicals.

Heat styling, chemical treatments, and coloring can cause damage that leads to breakage, so keep your hair strong enough to withstand all of that. Use a protective ampoule when doing heat styling like Dove Extreme Recovery Ampoules and use a range like Extreme Recovery that protects hair from chemical damage

Try a scalp massage.

Massages can help hair growth by stimulating blood circulation. Other than that, it's also a great way to relieve stress (which is another common cause of hair loss).