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Hair Loss in Women

Hair loss in women

Hair loss in women: causes and solutions

Losing Hair between 50 and 100 hairs a day is totally normal. But if when you wake up in the morning you discover a lot of hair on the pillow and if every time you brush you notice excessive hair loss, it is another story. But don't panic. Let's start by identifying the causes of hair loss in women to remedy it.

Normally, the biological processes are responsible for hair growth are naturally balanced. While some hair falls out, others grow, and so on. It is a normal and healthy cycle that reflects on different stages of hair growth. But when this mechanic is disturbed, hair loss can accelerate. We have created a list of the main causes of this phenomenon and the solutions that can be adopted. If you have been experiencing excessive hair loss for more than 6 months, it is recommended that you visit your dermatologist. In this article, we will focus on hair loss in women.

1. Hair loss in women of hormonal origin

Our hormonal system is very sensitive and reacts to the smallest changes. Normally, estrogen (female sex hormone) is the origin of a nice and dense mane. For this reason, many women have especially beautiful hair during pregnancy. However, male hormones (androgens), also present in the female body but in less quantity, do not promote hair growth. In both men and women, stress increases the secretion of androgen hormones, which can upset the hormonal balance and cause hair loss due to stress. In the most serious cases, dermatologists can prescribe antiandrogens. But in most cases, it is enough to lead a less hectic life and relax more often. This imbalance can also be motivated by the dysfunction of the thyroid gland. To verify this, your doctor may perform a blood test or a hormonal checkup.

2. Hair loss in women due to excessive capillary manipulation

Submitting hair to too many aggressive treatments can weaken and turn it off. Discolorations, frequent color changes, perms or regular use of hair straighteners do not directly cause hair loss in women, but they can damage it and cause hair to split at the root.

Only "chemical accidents" can directly cause hair loss in women. This happens when we do not respect the exposure times of discolorations and permanent ones. After such a situation, there is no other choice but to wait a while for the scalp to recover. You must use a small amount of shampoo and apply it gently. If possible, avoid dyeing hair and tone-on-tone coloring for a while.

3. Hair loss in women due to vitamin deficiency

For hair to grow, you need a balanced diet rich in vitamins. A lack of these or too intense a regimen can cause temporary hair loss. To avoid this, follow a balanced diet based on fruits, legumes, proteins, dairy products, cereals, nuts, and oils of superior quality. If you cannot take these foods, take special food complexes for your hair that contain biotin, niacin, zinc and vitamins B6, B12, A, and E. These will also help you if you have fine hair, to give it more strength.

4. Hair loss in women caused by a dysfunction of the immune system

Hair loss can be the late consequence of an infection. So you can lose hair in the spring, after having flu during the winter. This phenomenon stops after about 3 months when the damaged roots regenerate.

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