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Hair Loss in Dogs - Causes and Treatment


Hair Loss in Dogs - Causes and Treatment

Although it may seem less important than other aspects of their health, the truth is that our dog's hair also requires regular care, as it fulfills fundamental functions for animal welfare. For this reason, we must pay attention to their appearance and bear in mind that hair loss in dogs can constitute a warning, alerting us to various health problems or simply the need to improve some aspects such as diet.


In this article we will explain the most common causes of hair loss in dogs and the different types of treatments that exist. Remember that if your dog is losing hair it will be essential to go to a veterinary clinic and consult a qualified veterinarian why your dog's hair is falling out.

The importance of hair in the dog

Dogs have three types of hair, which are as follows:


1.   Primary hairs: are those that form the outer part of the mantle and have the ability to bristle.

2.   Secondary hairs: they are the members of the inner coat and are responsible for providing protection         and maintaining heat. It is also known as "internal fluff".

3.   Modified hairs: they are the whiskers or eyebrows, which serve the sense of touch.

The quality of the coat will depend on different factors such as diet, health, genetics or the care we provide. Hair insulates the dog from extreme temperatures, protects it from injury and is part of its communication system. As we will see, causes such as diseases, parasites or improvable care can be responsible for hair loss in dogs.

Why do dogs lose their hair?

The main reason why dogs lose their hair is shedding, a completely natural process that occurs every year. During the shedding of hair in dogs we can observe the loss of it in large quantities, since the purpose is none other than to prepare the coat for the change in temperatures. This occurs because the hair grows in different phases that correspond to a fast, slow growth or a period of rest.


It is in the telogen phase when the molt occurs, at least once a year. Therefore, it is not a disease. It is recommended to favor it with a good daily brushing. Yes, we must consult the vet if the hair loss is excessive in our dog. For some, their hair falls out in clumps and the coat can have an irregular appearance, like mosaic, because they have a double layer of hair.


When do dogs shed their hair?

Hair loss in dogs due to shedding usually occurs in summer and winter to protect the dog from the cold or to allow it not to pass so much heat.

Other causes that cause the dog to lose its hair

If your dog's hair is falling out and you are completely sure it is not due to shedding, then it is time to visit the vet. In general, hair loss, both generalized and in specific areas, is usually associated with one of the following problems:

Children with Hair Loss

Children with Hair Loss

Why does children's hair fall out?

Hair loss and renewal is a natural process in children, however, sometimes hair loss accelerates without us knowing why. These are the most common causes of childhood alopecia and their respective treatments to stop it.

Between 50 and 100 hairs are lost every day, which go unnoticed because there is a perfect balance between the hair that falls out and the hair that comes out and because, in addition, the loss does not occur in a single area. The fallen hair is replaced by new ones that are in full growth phase.


If, for some reason, the hair loss intensifies in a specific area of ​​the scalp, a depopulated area known as alopecia or bald head appears.


Hair loss can occur for many reasons, but in children, it can be a major concern for both parents and children. Even so, approximately 60% of cases recover their hair through some type of treatment. They can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a year to do, depending on the state you are in.


Children who lose hair not only have to be treated physically for this problem itself, but also psychologically to prevent them from suffering from some problems related to their self-esteem. Among the most recurrent symptoms are school and social withdrawal, rejection of their body image, refusing to go out, feeling ashamed, and a long etcetera.


Children who have this type of problem should be treated the same as adults with alopecia so that it does not cause any short or long-term damage to the child's personality and they must be made to understand that when they recover, your hair will get back normally, so you don't have to worry.

Causes of hair loss in children

1. Alopecia areata

This bald spot usually lasts about two or three months, then the hair begins to grow to cover it again. It is necessary to consult with the doctor, although it does not need treatment. The causes are not known.


2. Seborrheic dermatitis

It is a disease of the scalp in which the sebaceous glands produce more sebum than normal (seborrhea), then an oily layer is formed that prevents the development of the hair follicle and favors hair loss. It is advisable to consult a dermatologist.


3. Ringworms

Dogs and cats (especially stray ones) can transmit ringworm, a fungus that affects the scalp when touched. They produce bare areas, with cut, diseased and brittle hairs. They are well corrected with a treatment based on antifungal creams, which should be prescribed by the pediatrician.


4. Trichotillomania (hair pulling mania)

Some nervous children pull their hair, almost always in a specific place, for example, the bangs at the nape of the neck. You will have to find out with the help of a psychologist what is causing you anxiety.


5. Certain chronic diseases

Certain chronic diseases, especially if they cause protein deficiency or iron deficiency anemia, also promote hair loss, which subsides when the cause is treated.